Wednesday 18 August 2010

You Pray in Forgiveness to Progres

Your Praying Power increases as You Pray in Forgiveness to Progress.

The Lord wants us to forgive everyone who has wronged us in any way, as this is the essence of praying for God to also forgive our sins.

Sometimes you may feel so heavy and the thought so confused that you need to pray specifically of certain issues from the past which you are holding onto that may be affecting your progress in prayers.

Negative emotion can actually hinder your prayers and inner fulfilment in the Lord. Learning to forgive is a great achievement, as it really opens your heart to receive in prayer.

If you have a negative emotion from the past, then pray that you let go of all emotions that may have been holding you back.

Hold this prayer in your consciousness and believe in faith that as you forgive, your sins too are forgiven by the Lord Almighty.

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